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Latest Headline - On the Great Depression of 2008, the Credit crunch, subprime mortgage, stock and economic crash
Merger talks with Chrysler called off amid 'immediate liquidity challenges'
General Motors, the largest car maker in the US, which celebrated its 100th anniversary this year, said it will be bankrupt within months unless it gets government money to tide it over during the biggest economic crisis since the Great Depression of the 1930s.    more...

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Presidents & Congress Ignoring the Constitution!

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Nov 09
Merger talks with Chrysler called off amid 'immediate liquidity challenges'

Nov 07
Stock Market Unrelenting Bullishness Amidst Deteriorating Economic Conditions
Nov 06
Inflation or Deflation?
Nov 04

Is today's economic crisis another Great Depression?

More from the Front Lines of the Financial Crisis
Nov 03
EU Says Europe Economy Probably Already in Recession
`Panic of 2008' Is Better Than the Alternative
Current Economic Crisis Worse than the Great Depression
Nov 02
Gordon Brown was told about Iceland's banking crisis six months ago!

More News....

Latest Video's:
Presidents & Congress Ignoring the Constitution!
Ron Paul on the continuing "Economic Murder" 11/6/2008

The financial crisis and the real economy

Ron Paul Meets The Matrix - He is The One!

Solar still water desalination seawater

Crash Survival/Fun:
UK News - Buy one £20,000 car, get one free!
10 Hints to Reduce Your Living Costs


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What about my Mortgage and other debts?
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